I Hike Appalachian Trail

Information on the Appalachian Trail.

NPR on the Road to Nowhere

I heard from Philip Jones on whiteblaze.net that NPR was doing an "All Things Considered" piece on the much debated Road to Nowhere. I checked it out here.
Not to my surprise it was a heartwarming, touchy piece on how individuals can't make it out to see their ancestors who were buried out in the woods from when their families once lived there. Better yet it was telling us how the Road to Nowhere was promised to be built so that these departed family members could be visited. Well the fact is that the Agreement of 1943 makes no mention of cemeteries and giving access to these graves. It seems that Adam Hochberg's NPR piece was more or less to tug at our heart strings instead of giving the facts.
I wish this small group of people who are pushing for this road could see how selfish they are for wanting to build a $600 million dollar road that would destroy a large portion of our National Park.

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